Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hail to the Chief

This might be a little telling, but I'm rather jazzed about all the excitement today.

The President of the United States came to my college campus today.
Someone at the White House requested that the Marching Band be present and play.

This meant that I did not have to stand in line and wait all night for a ticket and I had a gaurenteed seat.

Granted, I had to get up at 6:30 this morning to eat breakfast and spend 4 hours in a hot gym with no air conditioning playing my trumpet and crowded in with fellow band members, but it was hella worth it.

Did I mention that the President even thanked us at the very beginning of his speech?

Yeah, we that cool.

That's really all I got. How often do you get to say this kind of stuff?! :D

Friday, September 9, 2011

Wasting away again in Margaritaville

Tips for sucessful weight loss in college:

1. If it's been fried, stay away. Once a week is okay, but no more than that. This includes fried chicken sandwiches, french fries, and chicken nuggets. [This is surprisingly a pretty easy goal to meet!]

2. Stay away from high fat foods at the dining hall. [This year I have been checking the online dining hall menu before every meal to find low fat foods. I was shocked when the majority of foods there have 10+ grams of fat per serving. I'm much more conscious of the food choices I make there. Instead of picking things that I think will just taste good, I go for the things that are good for me. :) ]

3. Lots of water! This means no sodas, teas, or coffee. [This has been an easy for me because I hopped on the water train this past summer. I can drink water day in and day out and it's the best :). There have been a few late nights and early mornings that I grabbed a caffeinated drink on the way to class, but I'm doing really good sticking to water everywhere else!]

4. Live on the opposite side of campus from your classes! [This tip is mostly about walking. I happen to live on the opposite side of campus from ALL of my classes. So everyday I am walking at least 1.75 miles just to get to class, sometimes I do it twice. It is true that I have a bicycle now and I ride that to class sometimes, but have I mentioned how hilly campus is? :D]

5. Stay positive. Keep it up! You can do it! [Even if people aren't saying anything directly to you, they sure are noticing your new fabulousness.]

I realized it had been awhile again since I'd last blogged. College life gets hectic, especially when you attend an NCAA football school and happen to be in the marching band.

I've been feeling kind of discouraged and stagnating for awhile now. But then I have to start thinking about the numbers and everything doesn't seem so bad.

I started this journey at 228 pounds. Right now, I weigh 195! That's a different of 33 pounds! Holy shiznit, that's a lot!

Most mornings I still don't feel any different. I still feel like that really fat girl that everybody is friends with cause she's kind of funny. And then I put on a tank top that shows off my skinny waist and I feel amazing again.

I need more clothes that make me feel amazing. Wearing the same bulky clothes that I had to wedge myself into 30 pounds ago isn't very inspiring. I see a shopping trip or two in the future.

Love and kisses and lots if inspiration,

the Bob

P.S. Today's title is a throwback to our first marching show of the season which was Beach Music and Jimmy Buffet inspired.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Rocking and a rolling!

After the earthquake from earlier this week, there is also now a category 2 hurricane headed straight for me.


Last night, a friend and I went riding bicycles around campus in the middle of the night. It was surprisingly really fun. I would suggest doing it again actually.

Yay bicycles!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Beach Music

Sorry about the long time no blog.

As I mentioned before, I moved back to college week before last and then started classes last week.

I kept using classes as an excuse to procrastinate from the blog and now I'm using the blog to procrastinate schoolwork! Yay :)

It's a win-win scenario.

I've been trying to keep with my good eating choices and I have like zero bad-snacking-choices lurking my dorm to sabotage my good eating.

For the first time since starting this thing, I'm living without a scale. It used to be my routine to wake up and weigh and weigh before going to bed. At school, I don't yet have a scale in the dorm room. I went home over this past weekend and weighed myself for the first time in a week and a half. The last weighin I remember was somewhere around 202? This morning (when I weighed before driving back to school), I was 197.6.


However, I've been having terrible digestive issues for days that was probably caused from taking the antibiotics after getting bit by the dog. This may end up being something I have to go to the doctor about if it doesn't settle soon.

Also, did I mention that the first day of riding my bike to classes I grazed a wall and gave myself a terrible flesh wound? It looked pretty gnarly for days and was slightly brick shaped. Tehe. It's healing now though and I have to get on my bike soon and ride off to class.

Cheers darlings.

Monday, August 8, 2011

There's a fire!

Everytime I hear the start of Adele's Rolling in the Deep I'm the first one to shout, "THERES A FIRE." And then she starts singing and I go, "See, told you Adele."

I think it's mostly because I'm sick of hearing that song on the radio. :)

Sorry for the long-time no-blog. There hasn't been much to report.

The day after I got bit by the dog, I decided to get back on my bike and go for a ride. Surprise surprise, I went down a side road (that I've traveled before safely) and someones dog decided to bark and chase me. I, of course, took off down the road heart racing, legs like jelly. Needless to say, I haven't got back on the bike since.

I've never been a dog person and now it seems like there's just dogs everywhere.

This week is packing and I move back into the dorm on Thursday. I'm planning to take my yoga mat (I finally bought one, it's bright orange and has butterflies on it) and my new bicycle (omgeeze, remind me to get a bike lock o.o). I'm also taking my positive attitude, my blog and internet buddies :), my plans for healthier eating (fresh veggies!), and my handy dandy water bottle.

Did I also mention that I'm in the marching band? The first five days of living back on campus is Band Camp for me. Lots of time outside, lots of up and moving around, lots of drinking water!

One last random for the day. Yesterday was my brother, J and C's 1 yr anniversary. One year ago I was in their wedding as a bridesmaid. C bought me a size 16 dress that I could barely fit into. For the wedding, I looked horrible. I could barely squeeze myself into the dress.

Yesterday I tried the dress on and it zipped up just fine. It was roomy. Nothing was squeezed into that dress and I had plenty of room. I felt fabulous and proceeded to prance around the room.

One last line from Adele before I wrap this up:

"Don't underestimate the things that I will do."

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


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This makes me happy beyond belief. 
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Still haven't heard anything else about the dog or whatnot. 
Hoping I won't have to get the rabies vaccines. That would be really
I'm pretty sure these dinos have messed up my blog shape. Heee :)
Silly dinos :)


I don't even know how to blog about this...

I got bit by a dog today while on my ride (second ride around the block).

I rode back to my house and then people were contacted. Trip to ER happened. As did tetanus shot and bandaids.

I feel like an idiot.

And I seriously hope I don't have to have any more shots over this whole ordeal.

I meant to post yesterday about buying the new bike and pictures I took on my ride and how awesome and fun it was and how the camp went and about all that fun and nice stuff. Instead you get this quick update and I'm very very very sleeepy