Monday, June 20, 2011

Life, especially summer

Summer is always such a boring time for me. Nothing interesting happens. I don't get to see my friends. There's little for me to actually accomplish. I think I even forgot to make a summer list this year. Usually the first day off from school every year I make a list of things I want to do over the summer. I think now, this year my summer goal, to finish before school starts in Aug, is to drop below 200 pounds. There's roughly 2 months left in my summer and I'm currently weighing around 216. So, sounds like a perfect goal! Plus, if I lose more than that, it will just be icing on the cake!

Despite hovering instead of losing the last couple of days, I feel really good. I've really noticed a change in my eating habits since starting these new life changes! I'm no longer scarfing down large meals. I make conscious decisions when we eat out to pick something healthy or with a smaller amount of calories. This has actually been something really hard to do! Have you ever looked at most chain restaurants' (what we have in abundance locally) menus? Most are terrible for information! Some places have a decal for meals with less than 500, 600, or 700 calories. But there are like only 6 meals that add up on the entire menu! A lot of my decisions come after looking up calorie counts on my phone. While I don't have a savvy smartphone, I'm still able to get useful info most of the time to make an informed decision. It's work, but it makes me feel good to know I'm making smart decisions!

Also, exercising is getting better! I can actually run! For short distances, but still! It's much more successful than my first few days of pushing myself to run and feeling out of breath every 50 ft. I'm running longer stretches and then can turn around and run another stretch just about as long! It's very exciting for something who always swore that she would never run anywhere! Hah!

M, C, and I are still doing the Richard Simmons tapes almost every night. I decided to take one night off a week, which was Sunday night. We've found our favourites are still the Sweatin' to the Oldies. Mine is still S2tO3. Though we just bought the dvds from Amazon and I'm exciting to try out S2tO4. It's always fun to dance around to something new!

Sorry for neglecting you again lately blog. I know if I sit down to type it will take some time to actually think and get across what I've been ruminating about. But it's good for me and I need to do it.

See ya tomorrow, okay? :)


  1. Have you tried I use it all the stinking time. It has over a million foods in there, so you can kind of plan what you'll get before you get to the restaurant. That takes the guesswork out of what to get, and the disappointment that comes with thinking you're eating something super healthy only to find out later that it's loaded with sugar and salt.

  2. I will have to check it out. I know the livestrong site is usually the first one that comes up when I google on my phone. Thanks for the tip! And thanks for reading :)
