Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ain't No Mountain High...

With all the renovation household goals and my losing weight goals, I feel like I'm starting at Mt. Rushmore and I just climbed up a teeny tiny little hill to get the big view of the climb ahead.

It's hard to take out the time every single day to do all my exercising. Right now, I'm walking/running over a mile a day, doing a Richard Simmons Tape, doing strength exercises on my arms with 3lb weights, and some leg lifts. It sounds like a lot but it doesn't really feel like a lot. When I'm doing it and right after I feel awesome! And then it's been like an hour and a half and I feel like I just spent my entire evening dancing around. xD

Wow I thought I had a lot to say tonight but I guess not. Not a lot of progress to report, besides increased strength. My weight is hovering between 214-217, hasn't budged much in the last few days. I was feeling really discourage about it yesterday, then I went back and re-read all my older blog posts. It made me feel spectacular! Just to know that I've come such a long way in a few short weeks. I could barely run a stretch without puffing like a freight train and my muscles seizing up.

Things I'm Cheerful About:
1. Running longer stretches
2. Making great decisions about meals and snacks
3. Cooking tasty and low fat/cal meals
4. Encouraging M and C to follow me in my fitness goals!

Oh and I dressed up today! Dressing up and looking pretty always makes me feel good. I put on a dress and makeup and did my hair! I think I looked rather fab! It was kind of funny though.  My dress hung a little looser on me; I bought it in the last few months so now that I'm dropping a few pounds, recent clothes will start getting baggier. Oh well...it just means more clothes shopping eventually! :D


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