Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dear Blog

Dear Blog,

I've been avoiding you lately. I've been flat-out avoiding the computer lately. I don't know what this is about, besides been crazy busy every single day.

The short of it: I lost roughly 8 lbs doing the Special K Challenge.

I'm not going to change my diet extravagantly far from the Special K Challenge for the future. Just replacing the cereal or bar meals with small, healthy meals with lots of fruit and veggies.

I haven't been running lately. I'm still trying to walk every day. I did today, plus some weight exercises for arms on the balance ball. And then C wanted to do a Richard Simmons tape, so I did that too! And then I sat on the balance ball and wiggled and bounced around forever. I just had the jitter bug today and needed to dance it out.

Speaking of that, today was a good day. I danced in the car. I walked with M and entertained her with my crazy awful dancing. I bought two new tops today and some lounge pants at Rue 21. I wore one of the new tops right after buying it and C told me I looked soo skinny. That comment just like reminded me of all the hard work I've been putting in recently.

And yeah, the scale read 218 tonight. That's seriously down 10 lbs from where I started (and down 16 lbs from my highest)! How exciting!

I can do this you guys! :D

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