Sunday, June 26, 2011

Happy thoughts

Have I mentioned I ran 1/4th of a mile straight today? I couldn't even do that in Jr high when we were forced to "run" a mile once a week. :)

Also, did I mention I was down to 213 this (Saturday) morning?

Heck yes.

In other notes, I found my old Three Hour Diet book for Teens from High School. It has a lot of really good visualization ideas that I wanted to look back at. I think talking the time once a day to sit down and really think about how your body is changing and how amazing you feel from exercising and then how awesome it will to be a healthy weight again, it's really good for you! Positive vibes!

Well in the book when I started that diet (for like 5 days) in HS, I weighed 194. I found this really exciting! I can't wait until I'm down below that point! I was a sophomore in HS and weighed that much. Now as a 3rd year college student, I'm going to weigh less than that soon!

I'm soo pumped about my life changes! I'm running/walking every other day now and walking the same distance on days I don't run/walk. I'm doing the Richard Simmons tape 6 days a week (though I didn't last night because I ran out of time with putting all the Ikea furniture together). And I have so much more energy and strength I didn't have before! I'm even more flexible! I can do the butterfly stretch and put my forearms on the ground next to my feet. It feels AMAZING.

And I just have to remind myself, even on the not so great days, when the scale doesn't budge and I eat half a Ritter Sport bar or decide I can't dance, I'm still amazing! I'm doing so much good for myself.

One last mention. My clothes are starting to be really loose. I can practically shank myself in my jeans nowadays where before there were days when it was a struggled to pull them up. Even my pj shorts are super loose. Amazing :D

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