Saturday, July 23, 2011

Will someone please tell him who the F I is?

Hahaha. Someone please read the title and laugh. I'm apparently in love with Nicki Minaj Super Bass. I just love the way she says, "you're a hell of a guy." I need to download this song and put it on my walking playlist.

I know a few weeks ago I made crazy daily goals and said I would post about how well I did keeping up with them? And then I never did, lols. Cause I went on vakay and then was on vakay forever. Still I figured a good update is nice, even if it's not as "good" as I wish it was.

Eating - Too many snacks >.> I'm out of easy, go-to snacks so most of the time I'm not eating good things for snacks and then I end up eating something else a little later. Meals have been okay and pretty on-target.

Walking/Running - I walked 4 out of 7 days this week, either due to excessive heat or rain. Yikes. I've decided to focus more on the walking now because its so hot (several days with heat index over 100!). It's still getting over an hour of walking in everyday, yay exercise!

Videos - Terrible! I think I did two videos this week total. Something I definitely need to work on next week. I need to remember to do them in the middle of the day instead of waiting till at night when I'm all tired and just want to sleep.

Other - Still doing my sit-ups and crunches! Yay :)

Weigh-in: 203.8 this morning! I gotta keep it up :):) ....well er, down relatively speaking. 

Okay, sorry I just totally got distracted. Seriously if you don't know what I'm talking about, just go watch it: Nicki Minaj Super Bass It makes me seriously happy. Also, I had a dream last night about Harry Potter. I wonder what that's supposed to mean? Supposedly Serius wasn't dead and there was a closet full of doors. o.o

Dream dictionary wasn't very helpful. They don't tell you what it means if you just see a door...not attached to a door frame. Just like the wood board laying there. I call shenanigans.

Goals for this week!
- Do those Vids! At least every other day.
- Walk every day!
- Work on snacking. I may make up a chart with stickers, so once I eat the snack I put a sticker in the square so I know I already ate my snack and I really don't need anything else until the next meal. Ideas? Opinions?

Have a fabulous rest of the weekend!
He got that super bass!


  1. Food journal, FTW. No charts or stickers necessary. Online food charting websites are great as well, like thedailyplate or myfitnesspal. Probably journaling would be easier so you wouldn't have to log on each time you ate something.

  2. Personally, I find stickers to be a great incentive about anything. xD Maybe that's just the teacher/little kid living inside of me.

    But I definitely think I will have to get back to my food journaling.
